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The Green Parade
2006 saw the return of the Green Parade: a vibrant musical parade by young people of the community which marks the start of the Newcastle Community Green Festival. Lots of fun is had by all and it always proves to be an energetic and exciting launch for the festival.

The parade involves young people from existing community youth projects throughout the North East between the ages of 7 and 12, where they march through the city centre from Haymarket before congregating at Grey’s monument to perform a short play about climate change; an issue that is increasingly affecting our lives.

Leading up to the event to the parade, the festival organises drama, costume and junk music making workshops for the children to prepare for the event. The activities all encourage young people to take a responsible attitude to the environment in their lives, but in a fun way. Helping the environment can be fun as last year’s participants found out!

As well as being a fun and educational addition to the Green Festival, the parade gives the chance for younger members of the community to become involved with the largest free environmental festival in the country, being a part of something which strongly adds to the regions identity.

Top Green Tips
Civil and military jet pollution is responsible for 10% of the earth's global warming . So, from an environmental perspective, its best to try to avoid flying.  However, if it is absolutely necessary for you to fly, then fly during the day.  Research has shown that night flights (whilst only representing a quarter of air traffic) are responsible for generating 60-80% of air flight emissions. (Observer Magazine, 9 July 2023)


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