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Kids Area
The Green Festival’s Kids area is a central part of the festivals set-up, providing activities for kids of all ages from toddlers up to teenagers and all ages in between. Previous years have seen a wide range of participatory activities including: -
Story telling in a traditional yurt
Clown & circus skills
Traditional hand powered kids rides
Tug-of-war and other competitive and non-competitive games
Climbing wall
Junk-games (recycled games such as pool tables, table football etc for older kids and adults who should know better)

The vast majority of these activities are free and all are welcome to participate. Find the kids area in the lower part of the park close to the healing and heritage areas
Top Green Tips
About a quarter of the heat lost from the average home is through the roof (TimesOnline - December 13 2006). Insulation of roofs, walls, floors, chimneys, letter boxes, doors and windows can all be cost effective measures for preventing heat loss and locally sourced and natural materials are the most environmentally friendly.


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