How is the festival organised?
Newcastle Community Green Festival is organised, managed and run by a team of volunteers. 100%. Everyone. People invest their time from a few hours to pretty much a full time job.

The festival is organised by a constituted organisation called 'Newcastle Community Green Festival'. Membership of the organisation is free and open to anyone in the community who has an interest in furthering the objectives of the organisation (i.e. making a great annual festival for the whole community to enjoy).

The organisation holds an AGM each year from which a management committee is elected. The management committee usually comprises members who have been involved in previous festivals and want to get more involved in the nitty gritty - and of course the admin! The experience of the management committee ranges from some who have been involved in the festival since it began, to others who have been elected within the last year. The function of the management committee is primarily: to ensure the festival is organised safely and within the aims of the organisation; to raise funds; to spend funds; to appoint advisory committees (i.e. planning groups and roles within the planning of the organisation); and to generally pursue all other functions to achieve our objectives.

Of course, the management committee cannot and should not be the only people who actually organise and influence the festival each year. The planning of the festival is carried out by a large team of people, all members of the organisation, who take on roles from stalls administration, festival area coordination, music stage organisation, site management, steward recruitment, website maintenance, publicity and a host of other roles. The planning teams meet at general planning and sub-group meetings throughout the year. Most general meetings are held at the potting shed in Leazes Park whilst sub-group meetings are more informal.

Decisions are made collectively and, as you might expect, the diverse range of people who help organise the festival means that a lot of different ideas get thrown in to the pot. We aim to be always inclusive and open to any suggestions and ideas... do you have some? get in touch here.